College Publications
Book of Papers & Seminar Proceedings
- Proceedings & Book of Papers for International Management Conference on Strategic Management in Industry 4.0 organized by the Department of Management on 26th-27th September 2019 (ISBN: 978-93-5406-466-1).
- Seminar Proceedings & Book of Papers for National Seminar on ‘Sustainable Innovation on Business & Commerce’ organized by the Department of Commerce on 19th-20th April 2018 (ISBN: 978-93-5311-272-1).
- Book of Papers for National Seminar on ‘Nutricon 2018: Food Adulteration: Terror on My Plate’ on 23rd-24th March 2018.
- Seminar Proceedings & Book of Papers for National Conference on ‘Dynamics of Global Business Environment: Issues and Challenges’ on 31st August & 1st September 2017 (ISBN: 978-93-5268-711-4).
- Seminar Proceedings for National Seminar on ‘Current Trends in Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis’ on 27th-28th January 2017 (ISBN: 978-93-5267-376-6).
- Book of Paper and Conference Proceedings for International Conference on ‘Environment and its Impact on Society’ on 18th & 20th August 2013 (ISBN: 978-93-5126-892-5).
- Proceedings & Book of Papers for NAAC-sponsored National Conference on ‘Quality Assurance, Enhancement & Sustainability in Higher Education’ on 5th-6th April 2013 (ISBN: 978-03-5126-029-5).
- Proceedings of the Conference and Book of Papers for 28th Biennial National Conference on ‘Impact of Social Change & Technological Advancement on Faculty & Community’ organized by Home Science Association of India, Kolkata Chapter on 7th-9th January 2010.
- Seminar Proceedings on ‘Environmental Issues: Achieving a Sustainable Future’ organized by Departments of Home Science, Management & Commerce on 15th March 2008.
- Seminar Proceedings on Textile Seminar on ‘Current Challenges in Textile Processing’ organized by Textiles & Clothing Department and sponsored by DyeChem International on 1st February 2003.