Departments of Science, Commerce & Management
All courses at JDBI are coeducational | Admission open for the session 2024-2025
NOTICE - STUDENTS (Application for Provisional Pass Certificate)
NOTICE- STUDENTS (Application for Review of Answer Scripts for FSNM, TCFS & B.Com)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Vishwakarma Puja)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (LRC timing on 14.09.2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Submission of final dissertation report for 2nd year M.Sc. & M.Com)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Application for review of Answer scripts for B.Com, BBA and M.Sc)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (College aprons for FSNM, MFN & PGDDAN students)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Application for review of Answer scripts for B.Sc, B.Com and M.Com)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Janmashtami)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Commencement of classes for PG Courses)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Raksha Bandhan, 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Fee defaulter list)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Classes suspended on 10th August, 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (List of fee defaulters )
NOTICE-STUDENTS (College timing for all courses)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Orientation Session for UG Courses on 01.08.2024)
Notice-Student, Non Promoted Student List (Session 2024-2025)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Commencement of New Session, 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Merit List for M.COM, 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Merit List for M.Sc in Food & Nutrition), 2024
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Orientation schedule for newly admitted students)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (NSS Volunteer Application Form, July 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Document Verification for BBA admission, 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENT (3rd Merit List for BBA, 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Document Verification for B.Com admission)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Allocation of DSE subjects for 3rd year BBA, 2024-2025)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Allocation of DSE subjects for 3rd year B.Sc & B.Com, 2024-2025)
NOTICE (BBA Admission, Session 2024-2025)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Selection of DSE subjects, 2nd year B.Com)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Selection of DSE subjects, 2nd year FSNM)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Selection of DSE subjects, 2nd year TCFS)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Selection of DSE subjects, 2nd year ID)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Selection of DSE subjects, 2nd year HD)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Deadline for return of library books)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Commencement of New session, 2024-2025)
NOTICE - ALL (Holiday for Id-Ul-Zoha)
Group Allotment for 1st Year B.Com for Computer Theory & Application(COM 203)
Group Allotment for 2nd Year B.Com for ITC in Business including E-Commerce(COM 405)
Group Allotment for FSNM
NOTICE (B.Com & M.Com Admission, Session 2024-2025)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Class Test, 1st year B.Sc Students, Creative Writing in Hindi)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Class Test 2nd & 3rd Year B.Sc ID Students)
NOTICE (B.Sc Admission, Session 2024-2025)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Fee Payment for even semester, May 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Photoshoot for final year UG & PG students-Science & Commerce)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Last date for submission of Research Project, 3rd year BBA)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Research Project Viva voce, 3rd year BBA students)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Application for review of Answer scripts for B.Sc and B.Com)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Application for review of Answer scripts for BBA)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Class Test, 2nd year TCFS students, Traditional Textiles of India & Textile Surface Ornamentation)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Submission of Project Synopsis, 3rd year BBA students)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Examination application form fill-up final date)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Soft Skills Training Session for 1st year BBA Students)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Classes suspended for Farewell 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Last day of ongoing even semester)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Degree Form Fill Up Notice)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Rabindra Jayanti)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Examination Form Fill-up,Department of Commerce)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Examination Form Fill-up,Department of Science)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Examination Form Fill-up,Department of Management)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Normal functioning of College)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for 1st May 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Application for review of Answer scripts)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Ram Navami)
NOTICE-ALL (College open on 15th April 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Topics for M.Com Seminar & Project-II)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Id-Ul-Fitr)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Handover of Tally Certificates to 1st year B.Com students)
NOTICE-STUDENT (No exams on 10th, 11th & 17th April 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (DSE class allotment for 3rd year B.Com Students)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Internal Examination, 2024)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Good Friday)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Holi)
NOTICE-Repair Work at Lower Rawdon Street, March 2024
NOTICE-STUDENT (Revised date for submission of report for Product Development & Portfolio, 3rd year TCFS)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Tally Examination Schedule, 1st year B.Com)
Student List for Graduation Congregational Ceremony
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Graduation Congregational Ceremony, 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Call for Annual Sport T-Shirts)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Attendance Criteria)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Submission of report for Product Development & Portfolio, 3rd Year TCFS)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee defaulters to clear their due)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Non Promoted student List for Department of Science & Commerce)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Commencement of new semester & other important dates for 1st year BBA)
NOTICE-STUDENT, (Time Slot for sessional Papers of M.Com)
NOTICE-STUDENT, (Time Slot for sessional Papers of M.Sc in Food & Nutrition.)
NOTICE-STUDENT, (Time Slot for sessional Papers of M.Sc in Human Development)
NOTICE-STUDENT, (Time Slot for sessional Papers of M.Sc in Textile & Clothing)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Proposing Topic for Research Project by BBA final year students)
ACTIVITY CHART-Community Engagement & Service (VAC COM-106)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Commencement of outreach program for Community Engagement & Service)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Class Test schedule for 1st year M.Com)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Class Test schedule for 2nd year M.Com)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Non Promoted Students for Department of Management)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Netaji's Birthday)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Outreach program dates for Community Engagement & Service)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Postponement of Sessional paper for Department of TFT)
NOTICE-STUDENTS, Group allotment for Tally ERP, Commerce
NOTICE-STUDENTS, Time Slot for Term Paper & Seminar, Commerce
NOTICE-STUDENTS, Time Slot for Term Paper & Seminar, FSNM
NOTICE-STUDENTS, Time Slot for Term Paper & Seminar, HD
NOTICE-STUDENTS, Time Slot for Term Paper & Seminar, ID
NOTICE-STUDENTS, Time Slot for Term Paper & Seminar, TCFS
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Swami Vivekananda's Birthday)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Commencement of New Session for Science & Commerce Departments)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Corrigendum for BBA Fee Notice, 2023 )
Room allotment for End Semester Examination, 2024 for Dept. of Science
Room allotment for End Semester Examination, 2024 for Dept. of Commerce
Room allotment for End Semester Examination, 2024 for Dept. of Management
Room allotment for End Semester Examination, 2024 for 3rd Year (Sem-V) DSE Papers
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for New Year, 2024)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Clearance of LRC dues before end-semester exams)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (End-semester exam of Community Engagement & Service - 1st year B.Com & BBA)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Payment of airfare for team building excursion by1st year BBA students)
NOTICE-ALUMNI (Cancellation of Re-union)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Christmas)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Examination Form Fill Up for 1st year (Sem-I) BBA (CBCS Syllabus))
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Submitting uniform sizes by 1st year BBA students)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Last Day of ongoing odd semester)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Schedule for Examination Form Fill Up)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Examination Schedule for Bridge Course)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Medical leave applications)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Fee Payment for even semester)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Distribution of bags to 1st year students to restrict use of plastic)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Internal evaluation schedule for Tally ERP 9, 1st year B.Com)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Topic & Supervisor for 2nd year B.Com Term Paper & Seminar)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Topic & Supervisor for 2nd year M.Com Project I)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Issuance of Participation Certificate)
NOTICE-ALL (Holiday for Diwali & Bhatridwitiya)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Submission of Final Report of Dissertation by M.Sc students)
NOTICE - STUDENTS (Reschedule for Dissertation Viva-voce for M.Sc in TC)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Commencement of New Session for PG courses)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Important information regarding class test across programs)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Term Paper & Seminar topic selection, 2nd year B.Com)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Project-I topic selection, 2nd year M.Com)
Allocation of 1st year B.Com students for Tally ERP 9
CIRCULAR (Students & Guardians)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Revised dates of Class Test)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Engagement or travel during college session)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Marking for Continuous Internal Evaluation)
Notice-Student (Project-II Viva voce examination date)
Schedule, Special Supplementary Examination 2023
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Important dates of Dissertation for 2nd year M. Sc)
STUDENT LIST - M.Com, 2nd Year Student List, 2023-2024
STUDENT LIST - M.FN, 2nd Year Student List, 2023-2024
STUDENT LIST - M.TC, 2nd Year Student List, 2023-2024
STUDENT LIST - M.HD, 2nd Year Student List, 2023-2024
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Examination Form Fill up by Students)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (New Session for 2nd year M.Sc & M.Com students)
STUDENT LIST - BCOM (First Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - BCOM (Second Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - BCOM (Third Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - FSNM (First Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - FSNM (Second Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - FSNM (Third Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - TFT (First Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - TCFS (Second Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - TCFS (Third Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - ID (First Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - ID (Second Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - ID (Third Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - HD (First Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - HD (Second Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - HD (Third Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - BBA (First Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - BBA (Second Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
STUDENT LIST - BBA (Third Year) (Session: 2023-2024)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Grade card collection for Sem-V & VI)
NOTICE-STUDENT (New Session Programme Schedule for 1st year students)
NOTICE-STUDENT (New Session Programme Schedule for 2nd & 3rd year students)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Allocation of DSE subjects for 3rd year B.Sc students)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Application for Provisional Pass Certificate)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Allocation of DSE subjects for 3rd year B.Com)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Allocation of Specialisation for 2nd year M.Com)
Corrigendum, Non Promoted student list
Notice-Student, (Time Slot for Term Assignments (MTC206S))
Notice-Student, (Time Slot for Term Assignments (MHD206S))
Notice-Student, (Time Slot for Term Assignments (MFN206S))
Notice-Student, (Time Slot for Seminar (MCOMC204S))
NOTICE-STUDENT (Extension of date for PG of Term Assignment & Seminar)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 2nd year B.Sc (FSNM) & M.Sc (FN), May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 3rd year B.Sc (FSNM), May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 2nd year B.Sc (TCFS) and M.Sc (TC), May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 3rd year B.Sc (TCFS), May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 2nd year B.Sc (ID), May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 3rd year B.Sc (ID), May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 2nd year B.Sc (HD) and M.Sc (HD), May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 3rd year B.Sc (HD), May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 2nd year B.Com and M.Com, May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Fee payment for 3rd year B.Com, May 2023)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Appropriate dress code for Science and Commerce students)
NOTICE-STUDENT (Process for official communication)
NOTICE-STUDENTS (Coupons for Printing Facility)
West Bengal Student Credit Card Scheme
J. D. BIRLA INSTITUTE Departments of Science, Commerce & Management
Examination Schedule