
B. Sc(Hons)

B.Sc course in FSNM is based on applied sciences and is geared to meet the emerging needs and challenges of contemporary society as they respond well to the evolving global standards. The present curriculum and syllabi have been revised and updated in accordance with UGC (University Grant Commission) guidelines. Mandatory six week internship training in the final year of study is the USP of these courses. The course offers each student with ample opportunities to assess their abilities, aptitudes and interest and introduces them to a world of jobs and careers

Course Highlights

The courses shall include:

  • Human Health: Nutrition science supported with human physiology & biochemistry and Public health nutrition with focus on nutrition education programs.
  • Food Science: Food functions, nutrient metabolism, food behavior, food quality & auditing systems and food product development.
  • Dietetics: Food requirements through the life span; functional foods & supplements; dietary guidelines for ailments; creative diet and menu planning; lifestyle & eating modifications with nutritional counseling.
  • Food Processing: Methods & regulations in food processing and research based food product development.
  • Culinary Skills: Bakery and confectionery; institutional and innovative food presentation & sensory skills.
  • Food Service Management: Hospital & industrial catering techniques.
  • Food Testing & Analysis:
  • The course shall be supplemented by practical and on-job training through Diet Camps, Field Visits and Health & Wellness Workshops.

Student will be evaluated on each subject / paper (theory/practical) under both:

a) Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): 40% weightage CIE includes written class tests, assignments, seminars, tutorials and/or laboratory assignments.
b) End-semester Examination (ESE): 60% weightage Six ESE will be held, one at the end of each semester.
Course Duration: 15-17 weeks per semester with 20-26 classes of 1 hr duration per week.
Course Timings: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, six days a week (1st and 3rd Saturdays are off days).
Class Size: 40-45 students
(1st and 3rd Saturday are off days)

M. Sc

The programme is designed to strengthen and enhance a student’s understanding and knowledge on diverse subjects. It shall be conducted via a blended learning approach that will include classical classroom teaching, self study, experiential learning, seminars, presentations, field visits etc. As part of their training, every student will have to work on a research project in the second year and submit a dissertation. It is compulsory for the students to complete two months internship to complement the programme that will allow them to make more informed choices when planning a career.

Course Highlights

The course includes subjects like Food Science & Technology, Clinical Nutrition, Dietetics, Food Quality Analysis, Food Service Management, Public Health & Nutrition, Research Methodology and Thesis Writing
Student will be evaluated on each subject / paper (theory/practical) under both:
a) Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): 40% weightage CIE includes written class tests, assignments, seminars, tutorials and/or laboratory assignments.
b) End-semester Examination (ESE): 60% weightage Four ESE will be held, one at the end of each semester.

Course Duration: 15-17 weeks per semester with 20-26 classes of 1 hr duration per week.
Course Timings: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, six days a week (1st and 3rd Saturdays are off days).
(1st and 3rd Saturday are off days)
Class Size: 10-12 students

Admission Information

Click here to check Admission Details (Eligibility Criteria, Admission Procedure, Fee Details, E prospectus , Important Dates)

Job opportunities

Job opportunities

B. Sc(Hons)

  • Clinical Dietician
  • Sports Nutritionist
  • Weight Management Professional
  • Dietary Manager
  • Nutrition Educator
  • Research and Development Scientist
  • Professional Chefs
  • Public Health Nutritionist
  • Public Health Worker
  • Food Industry Professional
  • Food Quality Officer &/ Food Auditor
  • International Aid Worker
  • Food Writer / Blogger

M. Sc

  • Entrepreneur
  • Food Quality Analyst
  • Dietitians & Diet Counselor
  • Project Officer in NGOs
  • Academician


The final degree will be awarded by Jadavpur University
